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Dead for 11 Hours: My Unexpected Journey to Heaven and Hell with Jim Woodford | Full Episode

He lived his life for everything the world could offer, but when he died for 11 hours, he quickly realized his life was headed in the wrong direction… Hear Jim Woodford’s gripping first-hand account of heaven and hell that will give you a greater understanding of life after death! See more full episodes of Joni Table Talk here:


Islamic terrorist leader converts to Christianity after seeing a vision of Jesus Christ

A former jihadist terrorist leader finds Jesus Christ. He sees Jesus in a vision. Testimony of a former Muslim who saw a vision of Jesus Christ then converted to Christianity. Gospel of Muslims, Buddhists, Catholics and Atheists. Buy the book: Redemptive Analogies derived from Common Atheist Arguments. Get it at Amazon or Kindle.


Her NDE Baffled the Cops & Confused the Doctors (Near-Death Experience)

Debbie Ali had an amazing Near-Death Experience (NDE) after being kidnapped and held hostage for 14 days while being handcuffed to a bed. During her NDE, she found herself walking on a beach in Heaven with Jesus. She also talked with God, met the saints, and saw archangels Michael and Gabriel, as well as Mother Mary. Her true crime near-death experience (NDE) as a Christian provides more evidence for life after death and proof of an afterlife. Debbie now helps provide counseling to other women who also have had traumatic experiences.

Debbie Ali’s Links:
đź“· Instagram: / michael3gl
👤 Facebook: / debbie.ashmeedali
✨ Website:
đź“š Book: Bare Feet:

Near Death Experience Led to Prophetic and Seer Gifts – Lou Lynn

On April 8, 2004, at the age of 33, Lou Lynn experienced a medical emergency that nearly cost her her life. As she was being transported to the hospital, she says she found herself in the presence of Jesus for an extended amount of time. Since that day, Lou, who had no connection with God before, says she has been given the spiritual gifts of seeing in the spiritual realm, and of prophecy.


Model Dies in Car Accident & Discovers Unconditional Love (Near-Death Experience)

Shawna Ristic shares the story of her Near-Death Experience, occurring after being hospitalized from a horrific car accident. During her encounter on the Other Side, Shawna describes experiencing Unconditional Love after leaving her body and being embraced by six Light Beings. Shawna talks about how her Near-Death Experience helped her develop a new sense of Empathy towards others after seeing how all things are connected beyond what the conceptual mind often sees. After returning to her body, this new awareness has allowed her to see the Light that shines in the eyes of everyone she encounters here on Earth.

“Something that really came out of this experience for me is a really acute awareness of the Me that’s beyond the mind and body” – Shawna Ristic

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Where we explore the meaning and purpose of Near-Death Experiences in the modern age. We write about the intersection of spirituality, life-after death, comparative religion, philosophy, depth psychology, modern culture, and most of all how we can stay connected to the truth that Life doesn’t end when we die.

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