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Child pulled alive from house flattened by massive avalanche that killed 9 in southern Kosovo
RESTELICA, Kosovo — Rescuers have pulled a 5-year-old girl alive from the rubble of a house flattened by a massive avalanche that killed both her parents and at least seven of her relatives in a remote mountain village in southern Kosovo. Col. Shemsi Syla, a spokesman for the Kosovo Security Force, said Sunday officers discovered […]
Louie Giglio – Nature Singing to God Louie Giglio demonstrating how stars and nature are singing to God. Very powerful. The bible says that the stars sang. This is a very clear demonstration of how this can be true. Watch and comment!
Charlotte Cronk Miracle Medical Report November 20th 2010 – November 20th, 2011
Charlotte Cronk has been active in ministry work in South Africa for over 25 years. Love One Another Minsistries She and her husband Marvin arrived in Denver, Colorado USA, November 20rd, 2010 from South Africa for an anticipated holiday visit with her son and daughter in law and grandchildren. Prior to Christmas 2010, she […]
Dog Saves Baby’s Life
The truth is stranger than fiction. This true story is about a stray dog that saved an abandoned babies life.