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Islamic terrorist leader converts to Christianity after seeing a vision of Jesus Christ

A former jihadist terrorist leader finds Jesus Christ. He sees Jesus in a vision. Testimony of a former Muslim who saw a vision of Jesus Christ then converted to Christianity. Gospel of Muslims, Buddhists, Catholics and Atheists. Buy the book: Redemptive Analogies derived from Common Atheist Arguments. Get it at Amazon or Kindle.


Her NDE Baffled the Cops & Confused the Doctors (Near-Death Experience)

Debbie Ali had an amazing Near-Death Experience (NDE) after being kidnapped and held hostage for 14 days while being handcuffed to a bed. During her NDE, she found herself walking on a beach in Heaven with Jesus. She also talked with God, met the saints, and saw archangels Michael and Gabriel, as well as Mother Mary. Her true crime near-death experience (NDE) as a Christian provides more evidence for life after death and proof of an afterlife. Debbie now helps provide counseling to other women who also have had traumatic experiences.

Debbie Ali’s Links:
📷 Instagram: / michael3gl
👤 Facebook: / debbie.ashmeedali
✨ Website:
📚 Book: Bare Feet:

Near Death Experience Led to Prophetic and Seer Gifts – Lou Lynn

On April 8, 2004, at the age of 33, Lou Lynn experienced a medical emergency that nearly cost her her life. As she was being transported to the hospital, she says she found herself in the presence of Jesus for an extended amount of time. Since that day, Lou, who had no connection with God before, says she has been given the spiritual gifts of seeing in the spiritual realm, and of prophecy.


Model Dies in Car Accident & Discovers Unconditional Love (Near-Death Experience)

Shawna Ristic shares the story of her Near-Death Experience, occurring after being hospitalized from a horrific car accident. During her encounter on the Other Side, Shawna describes experiencing Unconditional Love after leaving her body and being embraced by six Light Beings. Shawna talks about how her Near-Death Experience helped her develop a new sense of Empathy towards others after seeing how all things are connected beyond what the conceptual mind often sees. After returning to her body, this new awareness has allowed her to see the Light that shines in the eyes of everyone she encounters here on Earth.

“Something that really came out of this experience for me is a really acute awareness of the Me that’s beyond the mind and body” – Shawna Ristic

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Where we explore the meaning and purpose of Near-Death Experiences in the modern age. We write about the intersection of spirituality, life-after death, comparative religion, philosophy, depth psychology, modern culture, and most of all how we can stay connected to the truth that Life doesn’t end when we die.

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Life After Suicide : A Message for Humanity (Near-Death Experience)

Chris Batts shares the story of his Near-Death Experience, occurring after jumping from a moving vehicle during a suicide attempt. On the Other Side he communicated with Source, met with Angels, and was given a message for humanity. Chris shares how the experience changed his thoughts about death and why his life now has purpose.

“If you change your thought, you can change your life” – Chris Batts

Chris’s book ⇨…

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Where we explore the meaning and purpose of Near-Death Experiences in the modern age. We write about the intersection of spirituality, life-after death, comparative religion, philosophy, depth psychology, modern culture, and most of all how we can stay connected to the truth that Life doesn’t end when we die.

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Ice Climber Freezes to Death & Shown the Purpose of Life (Near-Death Experience)

Peter Panagore shares the story of his Near-Death Experience, occurring while ice climbing in the Canadian Rocky Mountains on the Icefields Parkway. Peter and his friend went on a day ice climbing expedition in the mountains and were trapped unexpectedly overnight. Peter froze to death and experienced the Divine Light on the Other Side. He was then sent back into his body and was able to descend the mountain to tell his story.

“Know that you can still find a way out… and that’s In” – Peter Panagore

Woman in COMA Dies & Gets Shown TRUTH About WHY We Are HERE! (Powerful NDE) | Anita Moorjani


Anita Moorjani is a renowned speaker, author, and spiritual teacher whose remarkable near-death experience (NDE) has captivated audiences worldwide. Born in Singapore to Indian parents, Anita grew up in a multicultural environment that shaped her perspective on life and spirituality. However, it was her battle with cancer and subsequent NDE that transformed her life and turned her into a beacon of hope and healing for countless individuals.

In 2006, Anita was diagnosed with lymphoma, and her condition rapidly deteriorated. At the brink of death, she experienced a profound NDE, which she described as a journey to the realm of pure consciousness and unconditional love. During this transformative experience, Anita’s awareness expanded, and she gained profound insights into the nature of existence, the purpose of life, and the power of love. Miraculously, she emerged from her coma with complete remission of her cancer, astonishing her doctors and sparking worldwide interest in her story.

Anita’s NDE not only healed her physically but also ignited a spiritual awakening within her. Since then, she has dedicated her life to sharing her profound insights and the message of love, acceptance, and self-empowerment that she received during her NDE. Through her books, such as the international bestseller “Dying to Be Me,” and her captivating talks, Anita has inspired millions to question their beliefs, let go of fear, and embrace their authentic selves.

Anita’s teachings revolve around the notion that we are all interconnected and that love and compassion are the most potent forces in the universe. She encourages individuals to embrace their unique journeys, celebrates their imperfections, and cultivate self-love as a pathway to healing and transformation. Her message resonates deeply with people from all walks of life, offering them hope, inspiration, and a fresh perspective on life’s challenges.

Anita Moorjani’s impact extends beyond her speaking engagements and writings. She is actively involved in various philanthropic endeavors and collaborates with medical professionals and researchers to explore the intersection of science and spirituality. Her story continues to touch lives globally, reminding us of the profound potential within each of us to heal, grow, and live authentically. Anita’s unwavering commitment to spreading love, compassion, and self-acceptance serves as a guiding light, inspiring individuals to embrace their true selves and live a life of purpose and fulfillment.

Please enjoy my conversation with Anita Moorjani.