Author: Nicholas Taylorson
Be Gentle with Yourself
It’s important to be gentle with yourself. Treat yourself as you would treat your dearest friend. Be kind to yourself. Be supportive.
Pageviews by Countries
I’d like to take this opportunity to welcome Russia aboard Charisma News. Hope you find this an uplifting experience ! South Africa 125 United States 38 United Kingdom 28 Germany 11 Malaysia 10 Greece 6 New Zealand 5 Russia 2 Australia 1 Belgium 1
Sometimes there are Storms.
Sometimes there are storms, and sometimes there is sunshine. But through all of the seasons of life, God is with you. Whether you are rejoicing or fighting back tears, God wants to share the moment with you. Allow that to happen, give thanks in the good times, ask for help in the difficult times. Take […]
Role Models
Animals and children can be incredible role models. Even ‘roll models’. Watch them as they roll around on the grass, scratching their backs, feet gleefully kicking up in the air. Notice the freedom they enjoy and the obvious joy they feel in that freedom. This freedom is very important for adults, too. Don’t get stuck […]
No News is Good News.
Ever heard people say that no news is good news ? Well they’re wrong. The only way we encourage each other and show each other that it is indeed worth our while to trust God is when we share good news with each other. The enemy knows this and tries his best to get us […]
A soft answer turns away wrath.
When everyone around you seems to be in bad spirits, bickering and complaining, take a step back. It’s so easy to answer in kind, but instead feel into your heart and answer gently. Let peace radiate from you.