No News is Good News.

Ever heard people say that no news is good news ? Well they’re wrong. The only way we encourage each other and show each other that it is indeed worth our while to trust God is when we share good news with each other. The enemy knows this and tries his best to get us […]

Beleive In Your Heart

Author: Unknown Believe in your heart that  something wonderful is about to happen.  Love your life.  Believe in your own powers,  and your own potential,  and in your own innate goodness.  Wake every morning  with the awe of just being alive.  Discover each day the magnificent,  awesome beauty in the world.  Explore and embrace life […]

The Most Amazing Thing.

I am wondering why is it that some people who think they are so called ministers of God’s word copywrite their stuff ? Is it because they think the rest of us are too stupid for God to inform ? Tell me … where in the bible does it say that those who are in […]

China is reversing the decline and fall of Christianity

Towards the end of his recent book, Civilization, the historian Niall Ferguson drops into his analysis an explosive depth-charge. He quotes a member of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, part of a team tasked with the challenge of discovering why it was that Europe, having lagged behind China until the 17th century, overtook it, […]


Some people add value to others lives and some people expect value to be added to theirs. Which kind are you ? This is a crucial question because if you aren’t one you definitely are the other. There are many people on earth but I believe there are only two types of people as I’ve […]