Category: Faith
Never Give Up
Fight for yourself using every drop of blood from your body. Muster every effort within you and fight: sure you will win. Let’s never give up !
The Good-O-Meter
This says it all …hehehehe Justified by grace through faith in Jesus Christ . Amen !
Meet Kelsey the Beautiful Miracle Baby
This beautiful baby was born without a heartbeat but God did a miracle !
Back from the Grave
I want to start my testimony from the beginning. I have two bullets. Not in my leg, not in my arm, but in my head! From a 38! Now I know we have some men here that know what guns can do. God left them there so I can stay a miracle. I’m registered a […]
Dr. David Ring This man is a total inspiration. If you got lemons make lemon aid. Whatever your problem is be sure God can transform your life into being someone useful. If God can do it for him He can do it for you!
Beleive In Your Heart
Author: Unknown Believe in your heart that something wonderful is about to happen. Love your life. Believe in your own powers, and your own potential, and in your own innate goodness. Wake every morning with the awe of just being alive. Discover each day the magnificent, awesome beauty in the world. Explore and embrace life […]
China is reversing the decline and fall of Christianity
Towards the end of his recent book, Civilization, the historian Niall Ferguson drops into his analysis an explosive depth-charge. He quotes a member of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, part of a team tasked with the challenge of discovering why it was that Europe, having lagged behind China until the 17th century, overtook it, […]