Category: Perseverance
Deaf Man Exonerated After 20 Years in Prison
Take a listen to this story of a man who saw justice served after being falsely accused.
Sometimes there are Storms.
Sometimes there are storms, and sometimes there is sunshine. But through all of the seasons of life, God is with you. Whether you are rejoicing or fighting back tears, God wants to share the moment with you. Allow that to happen, give thanks in the good times, ask for help in the difficult times. Take […]
China is reversing the decline and fall of Christianity
Towards the end of his recent book, Civilization, the historian Niall Ferguson drops into his analysis an explosive depth-charge. He quotes a member of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, part of a team tasked with the challenge of discovering why it was that Europe, having lagged behind China until the 17th century, overtook it, […]
New Beginnings
I have been researching servers for a while now and last week I dragged an old PC I had in my spare bedroom and decided to work on it . If I can get this thing to be transformed into some sort of server for a project I am thinking of tackling I might just […]
American Gladiator
I was watching American Gladiator and I saw this man who is so inspiring that I couldn’t resist showing the rest of you what he is capable of. Here is a guy who really can inspire people to do their best. Take a look at this and see how motivated this man was to finish […]