People helping people. Happens all the time everyday. The reason it isn’t talked about in the media is because it is so commonplace that it isn’t even newsworthy. Instead, we highlight the terrible things in the news because they are so abnormal.
Author: Nicholas Taylorson
Homeless Man Who Returned $40,000 Gets Blessed
Caine Smith Stands Up about Bullying in Schools
Lion loves his rescuer
Read this before watching the video: The woman in the video found the lion, injured in the forest, on the verge of death. She took the lion home with her and nursed it back to health. Later, when the lion was better, she made arrangements with a zoo to take the lion. Some time passed […]
The Baby Adam Fund
The Baby Adam Fund We are Raja and Jessica P. Baby Adam is our son who we adopted at 8 weeks old. He was born in a small mission hospital deep in the heart of Northeast India. What is Baby Adam’s story Baby Adam was abandoned at birth due to a rare […]
Chinese Boy with Ability to See in Pitch Black Stuns Medics
A young Chinese boy who was born with beaming blue eyes has stunned medics with his ability to see in pitch black darkness. Nong Yousui from Dahua, China has eyes that reflect neon green when light is shined on them. Doctors have studied Nong’s amazing eyesight since his dad took him to hospital concerned over […]
Baby declared dead ‘comes back to life’ after being placed on chapel altar
Baby declared dead ‘comes back to life’ after being placed on chapel altar by John Jalsevac Wed Jul 17, 2013 17:52 EST Tags: brazil, yasmin gomes July 17, 2013 ( – Family members and medical personnel at a hospital in Lindrina, Brazil, say they are stunned after a baby declared dead apparently came back to […]
Natural Cancer Cure? (Vitamin B17) Man Cures Himself Then Thrown In Jail